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High performance single component hydraulic micromortar made with special cement and sand with varying granulometry that are thinner than those of the Base Microconcrete in addition to other additives that, in combination with the above, provide it with great physico-chemical and aesthetic properties.

It is used for making highly decorative continuous coatings with cement-mineral appearance; in floors and walls.

It is used as a finish coat, forming part of the system: Base Microconcrete + Finish Microconcrete.


Packaging: 14 Kg.

pH:12,5 ±0.5

MIX (mixing powder + water): 14kg of Base Microconcrete are prepared with 4.6-4.8 l of water.

Application tools: Stainless steel trowels and spatulas.

Cleaning of tools: water.

Colours: are obtained by mixing the Dyes/Toners